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DVD Series: Our Spiritual Journey from Egypt to Promise Land

DVD Series: Our Spiritual Journey from Egypt to Promise Land
DVD Series: Our Spiritual Journey from Egypt to Promise Land

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DVD Series: Our Spiritual Journey from Egypt to Promise Land

Model Number: dvd-spiritual-journey-egypt-to-promise-land
The journey of the children of Israel from Egypt to the promise land is a spiritual blueprint of the life of a EVERY believer in Yeshua as the Messiah. Discover how this is so! 5 DVD's.
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Manufacturer: Eddie Chumney
  • Description

The journey of the children of Israel from Egypt to the promise land is a spiritual blueprint of the life of a believer. Egypt is a type of the world and world’s system. Pharaoh is a type of hasatan. The bondage that the children of Israel experienced in Egypt is a type of the bondage which we experience when we follow after the ways of the world and the world’s system. Yeshua is our Passover lamb. After we leave Egypt, we are to seek to live holy lives. This is unleavened bread. However, we have to learn how to live a holy life. This is why the commandments were given at mount Sinai. Most of the commandments given at mount Sinai focus on how we are to treat other people. This is summarized by Yeshua when he taught that we are to “do unto others as we would want them to do unto you” (Matthew 7:12). The wilderness represents the trials and tribulations of life. The promise land represents doing the Will of the God of Israel in our lives. In order to do the Will of the God of Israel in our lives, we need to defeat our spiritual giants. These spiritual giants represent strongholds of the flesh, the world and our carnal mind. Our spiritual goal is to reach mount Zion. Mount Zion represents spiritual maturity and living our lives with clean hands and a pure heart. Yeshua rules and reigns in mount Zion. Mount Zion represents the heavenly Jerusalem where Yeshua will live and dwell with His Bride for all eternity.

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